Go Girl® Retreats

Can you imagine what hiking & biking in the great outdoors can do to empower girls and women?

We sure can!

We know first hand what hiking and biking in the great outdoors can do to build self esteem and confidence. We want to spread those benefits to others especially girls and women.

We also believe hiking Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon is a great aspirational goal for all that lace up the boots! We can also teach “how-to” prepare for this hike.

Trip Consultation & Guide Services

Book a 30 minute Trip Consultation with Rim to Rim Club® Founder Michelle Delloso for self-guided trips and tips for Hiking Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon responsibly, respectfully and successfully.

Once 30 minute session is paid for you will be re-directed to schedule your consultation with Michelle.


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